In the case, your child or an adolescent you know is victim of violence, please do not act on your own, and seek the support of experts or of the competent authorities, especially in cases of serious and perpetuated violence. Contact the police, the emergency services or an anti-violence centre.

To these links some contacts of reference:

National Association D.i.Re “Women on the Net against violence – https://www.direcontrolaviolenza.it/i-centri-antiviolenza/

National Police – http://questure.poliziadistato.it/servizio/dovesiamo

Poste office Police – https://www.commissariatodips.it/

National anti-violence and stalking number: 1522

The Equal Opportunities Department’s public toll-free number for the emergence of and fight against intra- and extra-family violence against women. It is active 24 hours a day, every day of the year and accessible from the entire national territory free of charge, both from fixed and mobile networks, with a reception available in Italian, English, French, Spanish and Arabic. The telephone operators provide an initial response to the needs of victims of gender-based violence and stalking, offering useful information and orientation towards public and private health and social services on the national territory, such as the Anti-violence Centers.